Waiwhakareke Random Relay 2023 Results

We had a good group of around 30 runners out at the always popular Waiwhakareke Random Relay event – apart from a little bit of drizzle, and a bit of water to wade through to get to the start line, it went pretty well!

Some great running (welcome back John Crane and Glenn Sexton…!) and with an almost perfect team selection method, apart from the runaway first place, the remaining 8 teams all finished within 2 1/2 minutes of each other! Great fun and always an entertaining format, with the results uncertain right up until the last lap!

The winning team was made up of Sue HunterJohn Crane & Peter Moorfield – completing their 6 lap (~13.2km) course in a rapid 52mins 34 secs. Congratulations!

Full results including lap breakdowns can be found below.

And fastest lap runner Harry Coles has kindly submitted a race report.

Report by Harry Coles

This was my first time attending the random relay, and with what was to come, I was glad I turned up.

Teams of three needed to be created with runners choosing to run 1, 2, or 3 laps. With 27 Hawks, it worked out well to have 9 in each distance. Lucie split the teams into their threes, and all teams looked pretty even except one questionable team, which included both Peter Moorefield and John Crane, two of the fasted old blokes in the club. However, we were all reassured that John was coming back from injury so it should be okay.

I was happy in Team 2 with Sandra and Helen; we were in with a strong chance.

With the closeness of the teams, this race was going to come down to tactics. This was the first year teams could run their laps in any order, meaning you could have strategic gaps between laps, an opportunity Dave Gunn bravely turned down. Our team opted for a 3,3,2,2,1,3 tactic. Other formations included a 3,2,3,1,2,3 as well as the classic 1,2,2,3,3,3.

With a few of the speedsters starting, there was pressure to start fast and fast it was, it was a tough two laps, but at least I could rest for 3 laps before my final lap.
The race certainly made a great watching, with the lead constantly swapping between teams. That’s until the “injured” John Crane started running and his solid pace soon saw his team in a healthy lead with Peter “sub 3 marathon” Moorfield up next. The competition for 1st place was over. However, it was still very close with the rest of the field. As we were approaching the final handovers, the rain was falling, and everyone but time keeper Lucie was sheltering in the barn, listening for shouts that their teammate was coming. Sandra came in fast, giving me a great opportunity and motivation to catch those in front. I went 100%, passing a few on the hill before Aimee made it very hard work to pass her in the final 500m. Along with Helen’s and Sandra’s efforts, this helped to secure 3rd place for our team, not too far behind 2nd place. The rest of the field was very close behind. So, except for the one stacked team , the teams were very well selected, and it made for a very entertaining race.

Congratulations to the winners, team three, and thank you to all those who helped put on this thrilling event.

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Place Team Time Lap 1 Lap 2 Lap 3 Lap 4 Lap 5 Lap 6
1 3 52:34.3 10:29.0 08:07.5 08:09.1 08:45.4 09:04.4 07:58.9
Sue Hunter
John Crane
Peter Moorfield 
2 1 55:12.2 08:09.2 09:18.6 08:04.2 12:39.3 09:03.6 08:00.2
Steve Hunter
Carenza Elley
Rich Ellison
3 2 55:42.8 08:01.2 08:08.9 10:26.5 10:30.6 10:54.8 07:40.7
Sandra Jensen 
Helen King
Harry Cole
4 4 55:47.4 08:14.7 10:54.2 09:31.6 09:40.3 08:41.3 08:45.3
Dave Clarke 
Nisha Moorfield
Aimee Ferguson 
5 6 56:43.6 09:16.1 09:18.4 08:57.3 10:41.2 09:21.7 09:08.9
Lelia Steward
Layton Mace
Joe Mace
6 9 57:06.8 09:56.7 10:05.6 08:23.4 09:28.8 09:29.5 09:42.8
Iain Rattray
Garry Wilson
Rich Anderson
7 7 57:09.3 09:13.9 09:14.5 09:54.0 09:23.4 09:43.1 09:40.4
Thea Mace
Sam Price
Dave Gunn
8 8 57.33.0 10:10.2 10:01.6 08:53.0 09:53.1 09:14.9 09:20.1
David Middlemas
Andrew Wark
Paul Ewart
9 5 57.38.9 10:00.8 10:35.3 10:06.9 08:56.5 09:01.0 08:58.4
Dawn Tuffery 
Ray Crystal
Glenn Sexton 

Kids Results:

Te Amotawa Steward – 9:34.6
Alex Smith – 12:11.4
Ihapera Steward – 13:32.5
Fastest Laps:
1 Harry Coles 7:40.7
2 Peter Moorfield 7:58.9
3 Rich Ellison 8:00.2
Kids Results (1 lap – 2.2km) Time
1 Te Amotawa Steward 09:34.6
2 Alex Smith 12:11.4
3 Ihapera Steward 13:32.5