
House Points Update 22.5.19

This is the current points standing after the first 2 club based races it looks pretty tight at this stage.

House Points 22/05/19

1st Kiwi 26 Points
2nd Ruru 22 Points
3rd equal Tui and Kahu 21 Points

How it works is when you show up to a club based race you gain a PARTICIPATION point don’t worry if you cant run/walk if we need volunteers ie marshaling, timing, registering etc you will gain a point.

Some club races we will be offering bonus points for your house up for grabs like Gilchrist rosebowl as you will get a participation point for attending but also the house who through the 4 km race gains the most placing points will gain a further 75 bonus points for 1st, 50 for 2nd, 25 for 3rd and sorry 0 for 4th so the more house members show the better the chances of gaining good bonus points.

Bonus points are also on offer with in the club cross country and club road champs if you place in the top 3 of your age group you will gain 3 bonus points for 1st, 2 for 2nd and 1 for 3rd.