This is the 7th running of the Paperplus Te Awamutu Athletics Club Golf Course Fun Run held at the Te Awamutu Golf Club on Kihikihi Road.
Check official website for latest details: https://2018teawamutuathleticsfunrun.eventdesq.com/
Saturday 21st April. Race starts at 9.30am. This event is open to the Public and Registered Athletes
Prizegiving follows asap by approx 11.30am in the Golf Course Clubhouse.
An event for all abilites with the unique ability to race on a Golf Course with a rolling aspect and good underfoot conditions, suitable for spikes. Although adjacent to a main road the event offers a safe environment for families, with kids able to finish their 3k run whilst their parents continue in their own event.
There is a 3k run for Students $7, a 3k and 6k walk and 6k and 9k run, all $20. Registered athletes wearing their Club singlets get a $5 discount in the 6k and 9k events. Online entries close at 4pm Friday 20th. Late entry fees apply to entries after that time – $3 for Student 3k race, $5 for all other events. These will be taken on the day.
All athletes start at the same time and will complete one, two or three 3k circuits. Athletes will be issued with a race number and will recieve a finishing time and certificate. Numbers are to be handed in at completion to go in to the prize draw.
The Golf Course will reopen to Members at 12am. Please ensure you or your supporters do not run or walk on any of the Greens. It is a privilege to have access to the Course – we don’t want to loose that.
All proceeds go into a Travel Fund to assist our Club’s athletes on representative duties. Thanks for your support.
Race Organiser – Murray Green – 0276216608